A popular request from club accountants is the ability to send email notifications to members that hold an overdue balance. This can be easily done with the use of clubbroadCast (cbC). cbC allows clubs to upload field information from Jonas software and use these fields to filter out member’s email addresses (through segments) and target an email to these contacts. Uploading A.R. Aging information from Jonas will allow cbC users to filter out members that match a criteria based on these fields.
For example, if you wanted to send out an email to all members with a balance for charges made over 31 days ago, you can use field code R03 or R04 from Jonas and create a segment that match members that have a value in these codes.
Here are the steps:
- We need to make sure the fields needed are being synced with clubbroadCast through the cbC export utility.
- Create a segment in cbC
- Create the Message
- Schedule a delivery for the message, targeting the segment recently created
HERE for full instructions on ‘Sending Members an Overdue Balance Reminder’.
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