The Event Calendar will allow your members to see all of your clubs events on a month by month basis. Members will have the ability to control what they want to see on the calendar by toggling the various filters available at the top of the calendar, as well as search for a specific event via the search bar.
The search option on the Event Calendar page will allow members to filter the events displayed based on their search criteria. The search is restricted to the name of the event only.
The List of Events screen is an alternate view of the events on the Calendar. As the name suggests the events are displayed as a list as opposed to a Calendar grid, and all of the events that appear in the Calendar appear in the List. The filters available are identical to what is available on the calendar as any chosen features will persist between both views. When viewing the list of events, members will be able to see the register button or the wait list button for any event they are eligible to attend.
When a member clicks on an event from the Event Calendar, they will see the full details of the event. If the event allows registration, and the member is eligible, they will also see a register button. This will allow your members to register on behalf of themselves and others by way of the Booking screen. The three types of registration that can be made available to your members are Quick Event Registration, Detailed Event Registration, and Hybrid Event Registration.
If an event is setup with Quick Registration, members will be able to add registrations to an event without having to name the registrants. Members will need to specify the number of registrants per Registrant Category (Child, Adult and Senior in the example below) and Registrant Type (Member and Guest). The Member making the registration is denoted as the Booking Owner as they are the only person capable of updating the registration.
Once the booking owner has added all the desired registrants, they can click on the register button to complete the registration. The reservation confirmation window will be displayed which will state all the details of the completed registration, and will provide the option to print the confirmation. Closing the confirmation window will bring the booking owner back to the Event window, and they will now see that the register button has been replaced with an Update Registration button and a Cancel Booking button.
If a member clicks on the Update Registration option they will be redirected back to the booking window, and from here they can modify how many people are included in the registration. If the booking owner chooses to cancel the registration altogether and clicks on the cancel button, they will first be prompted with any cancellation policies that may apply and if they wish to confirm the cancellation. Upon clicking yes to the cancellation confirmation, the registration will be deleted, they will be redirected back to the Event view window and the Register button will once again be displayed.
If an event is setup with Detailed Event Registration, members will be required to name all registrants, including guests that they will be adding to the registration. To add a registrant, members must first click on a registrant type: Member or Guest (if applicable). In order to add members to the registration members will have three options:
In order to add guests to a registration, the booking owner will need to enter in the Name, email address and guest registrant type in the fields provided. The guest name and guest registrant type are required fields to be filled in for a guest to be included in a registration. Although the email address fields are not mandatory for guest registrations, it is required for guests to receive email notifications regarding the inclusion in the registration, as well as any changes to the registration or the event itself.
If the event utilizes Age Applied Registrant Categories, all registrants will have a registrant category associated with them based on their DOB or, if no DOB is listed on file for them, they will have the default Registrant Category applied to them. The default registrant category is selected when the event was created by the Site Admin. Guests will have the default Registrant Category applied to them as well as they won't have a DOB on file for them as well.
Once the booking owner has added all desired registrants, they can click on the register button to complete the registration. The reservation confirmation window will be displayed which will state all the details of the completed registration and will provide the option to print the confirmation. Closing the confirmation window will bring the booking owner back to the Event window, and they will now see that the register button has been replaced with an Update Registration button and a Cancel Booking button.
If the event the member is registering for has registration questions associated with it, the booking owner will be presented with a Continue button rather than a Register button. Clicking on continue will display any questions that will need to be answered prior to completing the registration. All mandatory questions will be marked with *required on the right. There are two types of questions that can be associated with an event:
Upon answering all questions, the booking owner will now be able to click on the register button to complete the registration.
If an event is configured with Hybrid Registration, it can encompass both the features of a Quick Registration or Detailed Registration. Members will be permitted to complete registration with named or un-named registrants or both. Questions can also be included in this type of event but will only apply to the event as a whole or any named registrants.
Similar to the Event Calendar, members can locate a reservation by name utilizing the search feature at the top of their My Bookings profile.
The synchronize button on the right, operates exactly like the Event Calendar version except, it will only synchronize the reservations found in the My Booking section and not all events. In order to synchronize your reservations to your personal calendar client, you will need to follow these steps:
Click on 'View Events' to see a list of upcoming club events.
From here you can click on the magnifying glass icon to view more information about the event, or the plus sign to register for the event (if applicable). This icon will be replaced with a check-mark if you have already registered for this event. You can filter the list of events by clicking on the 'Filter' button located on the top right side of the page.