ePayment Services was developed to provide your members with the ability to pay their bills online in a simple and secure manner. This service will enable your club to reduce lag time between billing and payments. Additionally, as more people switch to online banking, they are demanding this type of service as a preferred method of payment.
ePayments is consists of three areas:
In Pending Payments, all payments waiting to be settled are displayed. Items are processed daily at 5:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. PT). Members can choose to cancel these items before 5:30 p.m. ET (2:30 p.m. PT) by selecting the check box adjacent to the payment they wish to cancel and then clicking SUBMIT.
In Profile Maintenance under Bank Accounts, members are able to view/edit/delete existing bank accounts that they previously set up on the site. They can also add additional bank accounts to this area by entering the routing number, account number, and account type for the account.
In My Preferences, members can modify their name, company name, address, home phone, email address, and password.
The Returns area allows you to view any returned member ACH payments. Click on the ‘Returns’ link, and the left window pane will populate with a list of dates for returned items. The number in the brackets corresponds to the number of returns for that particular day.
Click on the date and the main window pane shows the list of returned payments. Take note of the pieces of information available on this screen.
You are also able to export this table into a Comma Separated Value file (.csv) file by clicking on the EXPORT button, and then ‘Click here to download’ on the following screen. This will open an Excel spreadsheet in the main window:
Clicking on the number under the ‘BankServ Reference Number’ column enables the user to obtain more details regarding a specific return.
The item history displayed at the bottom portion of the screen, shows the return status, return code, along with a return description.
The Query area of NetCheck allows an administrator to query transactions and returns. To begin, select a type of query you'd like to run by clicking on the links along the left hand portion of the screen:
The Transaction query can be used to find all original pending and processed items, like system generated items such as settlement items, either system generated or user generated charge backs, and resubmitted items. It can also be used to find system generated fee items such as transaction processing fees and return fees.
The process for Returns is similarly to Transactions query.
The Reports will show all settlements for a company within a specified time period. Click on REPORTS along the top of the screen to access this area.
Report Date column provides users with links to view all the transactions made during that selected date.
Within the listing for that date, the type of transaction, its current status, and reference number is available. The reference number can be clicked on to view more in depth details of that transaction, and the amount.
At the bottom of this list are the totals for that specific date along with the number of transactions.
The Admin area of NetCheck will allow an administrator to edit groups, and change passwords. Click on Edit Groups link and Users link to view users currently able to access NetCheck. This will bring up a list of users able to access this NetCheck area and will display the username, last name, first name, phone number, and admin privileges. Click on a username to edit a user, adjust privileges, and /or modify passwords.
Administrators can also change their own password for NetCheck by selecting the Password link. You will need to enter your old password and enter your new password twice.
Ensure to log off the site once finished by clicking Log Out at the top right side of the page.
Each night two files are sent to the main contact for BankServ. (A .txt file and a.csv file). The .csv file opens up in Microsoft Excel and shows the details from the previous day’s transactions. The .txt file contains the same information but is put into a format that Jonas Club Management can recognize.
Once completed, the transactions will have successfully been applied to your members’ accounts.
Each night two files are sent to the main contact for BankServ (a .txt file and a .csv file). The .csv file opens in Microsoft Excel and shows the details from the previous day’s transactions. The .txt file contains the same information but is put into a format that the ClubConnect Accounting System can recognize.
Each night two files are sent to the main contact for BankServ. (A .txt file and a.csv file). The .csv file opens up in Microsoft Excel and shows the details from the previous day’s transactions. The .txt file contains the same information but is put into a format that the ClubSelect Accounting System can recognize.