Reporting > Reports Downloads
Reports Downloads

Downloadable Reports allow you to export contact and tracking data to .csv files. Reports will remain available for download for 90 days after you create them. Additionally, you are limited to 50.00MB of total storage space for your reports.

Scheduling And Downloading A Specific Report

Message, delivery, automated message rule, delivery group and A/B split reports can be downloaded immediately or automatically at time intervals of your choosing.

To schedule and download a specific report:

  1. Go to a report for a message, delivery, automated message rule, delivery group or A/B split report.
  2. Click Download ReportsScheduling And Downloading A Specific Report button.
  3. Choose the type of report you want to download from the Report Type pull-down menu. You can download the full report or individual parts of the report.
  4. Add the email addresses of the people you want to send the report to in the Send To: text box. Separate different email addresses using a comma.
  5. Add a subject line in the Subject Line text box for the email sent containing the report.
  6. Optional - Add a note in the Note text box to include in the body of the email sent containing the report.
  7. Choose a time to send the report. It can either be generated immediately, or at a specific time and interval. To download the report immediately, click the Send As Soon As It's Ready radio button. The report will be sent as soon as it is ready. To send the report at a specific time, click the Send At Specific Date And Time radio button and then choose a date and time using the date and time picker. You can also have the report sent at recurring intervals by clicking the Send At Recurring Interval checkbox, and then choosing the interval using the pull-down menu. You can choose:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Bi-Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Yearly
  8. Click Save.

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