CSG Export Utility
Export Utility

Exporting data to clubbroadCast email marketing

The following instructions outline the process of exporting member information from either of the ClubConnect® or ClubSelect® Accounts Receivable databases to clubbroadCast Email Marketing. This utility has been previously setup by your clubsystems group Web Representative and has been scheduled to run at a predetermined interval, and as such it is not necessary to manually run the export program. If at any time you would like to run the export utility, please follow the following procedure.


1. Getting Started

Double-click the clubbroadCast email marketing icon that is on the desktop of the file server to launch the application.
CBC Interface Application

Click ‘Continue’.

Opening – csg Export to clubbroadCast Email Marketing:

When the application opens there will be six tabs across the top: General Page, Filter, Mapping, Scheduler Setting, Upload Email List, and About. These sections contain options that when configured will enable member information to be exported to clubbroadCast Email Marketing.

csg Export

General Page

Refresh button

Reloads the table of members above

Only Modified (Only changed member since last update) 

If checked, only the members who have been modified since the last update will display in the above grid. This works with the Bypass Filter or Filter tab.

Bypass Filter (Send All Members)

If checked, all members/dependents with email addresses will display in the above grid. This works in conjunction with the Only Modified checkbox.

Item Count 

This is the number of records in the above grid.

Upload to Server 

This button will send the information to clubbroadCast Email Marketing.


This button will close the program.

2. Upload to Server

On the General Page tab, click ‘Refresh’ to see a list of members that match the criteria. Once the list is verified, click ‘Upload to Server’ to export the member data to clubbroadCast.
General Page

After the process is complete, the fields and contacts will be able to be viewed on your clubbroadCast website. Once populated the clubbroadCast screen will look similar to the one below.
Contact Actions

Upload Email List

Send lists of members to clubbroadCast Email Marketing site.

These lists can be created in a variety of ways, but must contain at least one member number and member name and must be formatted as CSV files. Select the Browse button to search for the .CSV file and select Upload File.

Clients utilizing ClubSelect® will see the following options:

Upload Member List from Exported CSV File

This option is for clients who have created a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing lists of members for different activities at the club. These spreadsheets must be formatted to remove any page headers or footers. The file needs to contain member number and member name. The spreadsheet must be saved as a .CSV file. Exporting a report to this format within ClubSelect® is an easy process. Other csg products such as ClubSelect® Query and ClubSelect® Report Writer can be used to create lists. These lists, when uploaded to clubbroadCast Email Marketing, can be used to send targeted emails to the members that are part of the list.

Exported CSV


Clicking this button will provide you with a list of members in the file with which you can validate the inclusions.

Upload List

Clicking on this button will send the list to clubbroadCast Email Marketing.

Upload Member List by Spending

This option enables you to create a list of members based on their spending habits. Define the criteria for the members on the list, preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast.


Upload Member List from Minimum

This option enables you to create a list of members by selecting the minimum spending plan in which they participate. You select the plan, billing period, and unspent minimum information for the members on the list. Preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted email to those members who are not on track to spend the entirety of their minimum.


Upload Member List from Aging

This option enables you to create a list of members based on their aged balances. Select the billing period, receivables, the aging bucket to be considered, and its threshold to determine which members should be included within the list. Preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted email to those members so as to remind them to make payments to the club.

Upload Member List from Member Group

This option enables you to create a list of members by selecting the member group in which they participate. Select the member group that you would like to target, preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted emails to those members in specific member groups.

Upload Member List From Member Group

Upload Member List from Committees

This option enables you to create a list of members based on their participation in a particular committee. Select the committees which you would like to target, preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted emails to members of a given committee.

Upload Member List from Billing Plan

This option enables you to create a list of members based on their participation in a particular billing plan. Select the billing plan you want to target, preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast.

Member List From Billing

Select a Bill Plan Type

Select the Bill Plan Type you want to target with this list.
Member List From Billing

Select a Bill Plan from the type
Member List From Billing

Select the bill plan for the list you are creating.


Clicking this button will provide you with a list of members in the file with which you can validate the inclusions.

Upload List

Sends the list to the clubbroadCast Email Marketing.

Clients utilizing ClubConnect® will see the following options:
Upload Member List From Exported CSV Files

These lists can be created in a variety of ways, but must contain at least a member number and member name and must be formatted as CSV files. Select the Browse button to search for the .CSV file and select Upload File.

Upload Member List from Exported CSV File

This option is for clients who have created a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which contain lists of members for different activities at the club. These spreadsheets must be formatted to remove any page headers or footers. The file needs to contain member number and member name. The spreadsheet must be saved as .CSV file. Reports can be exported to text files within ClubConnect. Using Microsoft Access along with the LINKED.MDB database can ease the process of creating lists. These lists, when uploaded to clubbroadCast Email Marketing, can be used to send targeted emails to the members contained within them.


Clicking this button will provide you with a list of members in the file with which you can validate the inclusions..

Upload List

Sends the list to the clubbroadCast Email Marketing

Upload Member List by Spending

This option enables you to create and upload a list of members based on their spending habits. You define the criteria for the members on the list. Define the list criteria by specifying whether or not you want to select members from the top or bottom, the number of spenders on the list, and the billing period. Next, specify whether the list will be based on a revenue code or revenue category, the amount threshold and provide a name for the list. Finally, preview the list and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted emails to members on the list.


Upload Member List from Minimum

This option enables you to create and upload a list of members based on their participation in a particular minimum spending plan. Select the plan, billing period, and unspent minimum information for the members on the list. Preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send a targeted email to those members who are not on track to spend the entirety of their minimum.


Upload Member List from Aging

This option enables you to create a list of members based on their aged balances. Select the billing period, receivables, the aging bucket to be considered, and the threshold to determine which members should be included in the list. Preview the list, name it, and upload it to clubbroadCast to send targeted emails to those members so as to remind them to make payments to the club.

Upload Member List from Billing Options

This option enables you to create and upload a list of members based on Billing Options applied to their accounts. Select the Type, Plan, Filter Code, and the associated value to set the criteria. Name and preview the list, and then upload it to clubbroadCast.

Export Utility Additional Settings

As mentioned at the beginning of this page, there are other tabs, Filter, Mapping, and Scheduler Setting - that are also available to edit in the Export Utility. These tabs have been previously setup by your clubsystems group web representative and have been scheduled to run at a predetermined interval. As such, it is not necessary to manually edit these areas in the export program.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The Dues Class and Activity Status tabs function as an “OR” statement. It is suggested that you make all entries either “INCLUDE” or “EXCLUDE” on both tabs. If it is easier to setup the classes and statuses to exclude, then follow the same logic on both tabs. If it is easier to setup the classes and statuses to include, then follow the same logic on both tabs.

Filtering Criteria

Dues Class tab

Specify which Dues Classes of members should be allowed to filter through to clubbroadCast Email Marketing. In the example below ‘Include’ is checked so the Dues Classes selected will be included in the transfer.

Filtering Criteria

Highlight (click) a dues class on the right, check Include or Exclude, and click 'Add'. Continue this process for all applicable dues classes. To remove selections, highlight (click) on the dues class on the left and click 'Remove'.
When complete click 'Save' button to save changes.

Activity Status tab

Specify which Member Activity Statuses should be allowed to filter through to clubbroadCast Email Marketing.

Filtering Criteria

Highlight (click) an activity status on the right, check 'Include' or 'Exclude', and click 'Add'. Continue this process for all applicable activity statuses. To remove selections, highlight (click) the activity status on the left and click ‘Remove’.

When complete click ‘Save’ button to save changes.


CSG Field Mapping

The csg Predefined Field List (left) contains all of the available fields that can be sent to clubbroadCast Email Marketing. The clubbroadCast Field List (right) contains all of the fields in the clubbroadCast Email Marketing. New clients will notice the grid on the right is empty.

Click 'Define' button.

Click ‘Import from CSG Field’ button.
CBC EMail Marketing Fields

This will populate the list with the fields from CSG. If any fields are not needed, (highlight) select the field, and click ‘Delete’ to remove it.
CSG EMail Marketing Fields

Click ‘Confirm’ button to save the import.
Click ‘Cancel’ to not save changes.

Add Mappings:
CSG Predefined Field List

To add mapping, select a field from the ‘CSG Predefined Field List’ on the left and select the corresponding field from the ‘clubbroadCast Field List’ on the right. When both are selected (highlighted in blue) click the ‘Add Mapping’ button and they will be added to the mapping list at the bottom. Repeat this process for all remaining fields to be mapped. If you add an incorrect mapping, highlight it and click remove.

If you want to exit without saving your changes, click ‘Cancel’. To save your changes - click ‘Save’.

Scheduler Setting

The scheduler is used to automatically send the filtered members to clubbroadCast Email Marketing at specific intervals specified on the Scheduler Setting tab. You are configuring the scheduled intervals when data is sent. The scheduler can be setup to run in intervals such as minutes, hours, days, etc.

Start Date field

Select the date the scheduler is to start.

Schedule type

Select how the scheduler is to update (minute, hourly, weekly, etc.)


Select the frequency for the scheduler type to update. For Example, if you selected the type as hourly and the Interval of 2, the export utility would run every two hours. If the type was minute and interval was 5 the export utility would update every 5 minutes.

Custom Trigger Time

To use this feature the Scheduler Type must be set to Daily and the time entered in military time.

When complete, click ‘Save’ to save your changes.
Click ‘Cancel’ to exit without saving your changes

CBC Email Marketing

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