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Social Networking
Social Networking
Integrating your account with a Twitter account allows you to post to Twitter and track the posts made via the application. You can also trigger workflows based on whether a contact mentions or retweets a Twitter username you have setup in your account.
Integrating Your Account With A Twitter Account
Integrating your account with a Twitter account allows you to post to Twitter and track the posts made via the application. You can also trigger workflows based on whether a contact mentions or retweets a Twitter username you have setup in your account.
To integrate your account with a Twitter account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Click Add Twitter Integration.
o (If your Twitter login information is not cached) You will be taken to a Twitter page asking you to login to your Twitter account. Enter your Twitter username and password in the designated text boxes. Click Sign in.
o (If your Twitter login information is cached) You will be taken to a Twitter page asking you to allow the application to access your Twitter account. Click Allow.
o (If you do not see the settings button under Home) Please contact the administrator for your Club Broadcast account. If you are the Admin please contact support at: 1800-352-6647 opt. 1. To have an administrator rights granted to 1 user.
3. You will be redirected back to the application. A grey box containing the handle for the Twitter account will be created. At this, point Twitter access for that Twitter account is active.
Deactivating/Reactivating Access For A Twitter Account
In some cases you may want to deactivate, or reactivate access for a specific Twitter account.
To deactivate/reactivate access for a Twitter account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Find the Twitter account you want to deactivate/reactivate.
3. Click Edit Settings.
4. Uncheck the Enable Twitter Access checkbox to deactivate access to the Twitter account. Check the Enable Twitter Access checkbox to reactivate access to the Twitter account.
5. Click Save.
Deleting An Integrated Twitter Account From Your Account
In some cases, you want to completely remove a Twitter account you have setup in your account.
Note - This is not the same as deactivating/reactivating access for a Twitter account!
To delete a Twitter account from your account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Find the grey box with associated with the Twitter account you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Ok.
Adding Twitter Usernames To Track
Adding a Twitter username to track allows you to monitor mentions and retweets for that username.
Note - People who mention or retweet these stored usernames will be added to your account as a contact.
Note - We will only gather mention and retweet metrics for usernames added to your account. For more information on viewing mentions and retweets for a Twitter message, or an individual Twitter post, see Twitter Messages under Messages in the Club BroadCast Help
To add a Twitter Username to track:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. In the Track Twitter Usernames section, add in the Twitter username you want to track in the Username text box.
3. Click Add.
Deleting A Twitter Username
To remove a Twitter Username:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. In the Track Twitter Usernames section, click Remove next to the Twitter username you want to remove.
Integrating Your Account With A Facebook Account
Integrating your account with a Facebook account allows you to post Facebook messages, let contacts sign-up using their Facebook information, and map Facebook data to contact fields. You can also trigger workflows based on if someone liked a status, liked a page, commented on a status, or posted to a page.
To integrate your account with a Facebook account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Click Add Facebook Integration. You will be redirected to the Facebook login screen.
3. Enter the email address and password for the Facebook account you want to integrate with.
4. Click Login.
5. You will be brought to a page within Facebook that requests permissions for your Bronto account to access the Facebook account you logged into. Click Allow to continue along with the Facebook integration set up.
6. You will be redirected back to the application.
Note - By default, the Facebook integration only allows you to interact with the wall associated with the Facebook account you just integrated with. You will notice that any pages associated with account you just integrated with will also appear. To allow your account to interact with these pages, click the check box next to each page you want to interact with.
7. Click Edit Settings in the Facebook Access box that was just created.
8. In the Edit Facebook Authentication Status light box, click the checkboxes next to walls and/or pages that can be posted to.
9. Click Save
10. To finalize the integration, click Save.
Mapping Facebook Fields To Fields In Your Account
Mapping Facebook fields to fields in your account allows you to populate fields in your account with data pulled from a contact's Facebook account when they click Login with Facebook from a webform. Click Edit Mappings to begin mapping Facebook fields to fields in your account.
Deactivating/Reactivating Access For A Facebook Account
In some cases you may want to deactivate, or reactivate access for a specific Facebook account.
To deactivate/reactivate access for a Facebook account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Find the Facebook account you want to deactivate/reactivate.
3. Click Edit Settings.
4. Uncheck the Enable Facebook Access checkbox to deactivate access to the Facebook account. Check the Enable Facebook Access checkbox to reactivate access to the Facebook account.
5. Click Save.
Deactivating/Reactivating Access For A Facebook Page Or Wall
In some cases you may want to deactivate, or reactivate access for a Facebook page or wall in a Facebook account you are integrated with.
To deactivate/reactivate access for a page or wall:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Find the Facebook account you want to deactivate/reactivate access wall or page access for.
3. Click Edit Settings.
4. Uncheck the checkbox associated with the wall or page you want to deactivate access to. To reactivate access to a wall or page, click the checkbox associated with that wall or page.
5. Click Save.
Deleting An Integrated Facebook Account From Your Account
In some cases, you want to completely remove a Facebook account you have setup in your account.
Note - This is not the same as deactivating/reactivating access for a Facebook account!
To delete a Facebook account from your account:
1. Go to Home->Settings->Social Networks.
2. Find the grey box with associated with the Facebook account you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click Ok.
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