Content > Headers / Footers
Headers / Footers

Footers and Headers are like email signatures. They can contain your unsubscribe link, your postal address, and any other related information. Footers are very important because they can affect whether or not your message is CAN-SPAM compliant.

Viewing All The Headers And Footers In Your Account

The All Headers and Footers page is where you can view all of the headers and footers you have created in your account. By default, there are two existing footers in your account, the CAN-SPAM Complaint Footer and the Default Footer

You can click on the name of a specific header or footer on the All Headers and Footers page to view information about that header or footer. You can also click on the HTML and Text tabs to view the HTML and Text versions of a Header or Footer.


You can use the Show rows pull-down menu to change the number of rows shown in the table.

Hiding/Showing Columns In A Table

All of the available columns on a table are shown by default. You can hide columns to only display the data you need.
To hide/show the columns in a table
  1. Click the Choose Visible Columns icon
  2. Click the checkbox corresponding to the column you want to hide/show.
  3. Click Save Changes.  

Creating Headers And Footers

While it is perfectly ok to just use the 2 default footers, you may consider building multiple headers and footers if you have more than one email marketing program. For example, the footer for your monthly newsletter might be different than the footer for your weekly update.

To create a header or footer:

  1. Go to Content->Headers And Footers.
  2. Click Create Footer or Create Header.

Note - You can not add headers to template messages.

  1. Give your header or footer a name in the Name text box.
  2. Create the HTML version of your footer using the WYSIWYG Editor.
  3. Click the Text tab and enter the content for the text version of your header or footer.

Note - You need both versions (Text and HTML) of a footer so we can include the footer for both text and HTML versions of you message. The plain text footer accompanies plain text versions of your message and the HTML version accompanies HTML versions of your message. Additionally, in order to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act, we automatically include an opt-out link in all footers.

  1. For footers, add a link to the Manage Preferences page and a "Powered-By" graphic. Footers must include a link to the Manage Preferences page and a "Powered-By" graphic. You can use the Special Tags pull-down box in the WYSIWYG Editor to add these tags to your footer.

Tip - For more information on special tags, see Using Special Tags in help.

  1. Click Save.

Tip - You can use content tags to create re-usable blocks of content that can be used in the header, footer, or body of your message.

Editing Headers And Footers

To edit a header or footer:

  1. Click on the pencil icon next to the header or footer you want to edit on the All Headers and Footers page, or click on the name of the header or footer you wish to edit on the All Headers and Footers page and the click Edit.
  2. Make any edits needed to the Name, HTML version, and Text version of the header or footer.
  3. Click Save.

Changing The Number Of Rows Displayed In A Table

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