Frequently Asked Questions
11. Member not receiving emails and they have a Transactional Status

TRANSACTIONAL: this happens when an email address received their first message through CBC using the SEND TEST where the recipient email address is typed in MANUALLY instead of a SEND REGULAR with the email address belonging to a LIST or SEGMENT.

Since the email address didn't go through the initial assessment that takes place after they receive and open their first email that is sent from a list or segment they get put into this Transactional status.

Here you will find the instructions on how to switch the status from Transactional to Onboarding and steps that you could take in the future to prevent this from happening again in the future.

Instructions to restoring an individual from Transactional status to Onboarding.

First make note of the email address(es) that have the TRANSACTIONAL status. This way you can change them all at once. 

A simple way to do this is go into the Contacts > All Contacts page
Click on Inactive (this will list all your INACTIVE contacts which includes the following 3 Status:  Transactional, Bounce and Unsubscribed) Reminder anyone that has an Inactive status will not receive messages sent out using ClubBroadCast.


If you click on the Download Table Data Icon it will allow you to download all the inactive contacts including the Transactional status into an Excel spreadsheet so that you could easily manage these contacts.

This Icon is found on the All Contacts page, next to the Show rows information on the right.

Once you click on othe Download Table Data Icon a new window will open.
It is not neccessary to enter a file name, the Full Export (CSV) will already  be selected
Click on Download

Now you have a choice to either Open or Save the file in Excel.

Now that all the email addresses with Transactional Status are found the following steps may be followed.

1. Go to Content --> Webforms
(Some clubs may already be on the new Webforms and could go to step 4 directly)
2. Click on Learn About new Webforms 
3. Then click on Preview New Webforms
4. Locate the Default Add Contacts row (usually the last row) on the right Click on the Magnifying glass icon
5. Scroll down to Public Link To This Webform and click on the link above the QR code
6. Type the email address that is currently TRANSACTIONAL (if you are copying and pasting the email, make sure that there are no extra spaces in front of or behind the email) Click on Subscribe
7. There will be a Thank You screen after you subscribe. You could close this screen.
8. If there are other emails that have the Transactional status you could go to step 5 and click on the link again.
9. When you check in the All Contacts area the member should now have an ONBOARDING status

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Here are steps to prevent this from happening again in the future.

If you have any emails that have an ONBOARDING status the first email they receive using ClubBroadCast should be sent using a LIST or SEGMENT.
Once they open the message, this will place them into the assessment process,  within a 48 hour period they should switch to ACTIVE. (unless the assessment process comes back and recognizes that the email can cause problems or identifies that it’s an invalid email address and may be placed in the BOUNCE status)

When you are sending out messages you should never have to manually type an email address. All your contacts should already be in the ALL CONTACTS area.

If you are trying to send out to a few selected people to proof read first. I suggest you create a LIST and call it proof read, add the people you want on to the LIST and when you do a send TEST or REGULAR simply choose the LIST that you just created for proof reading.

Here’s a link to a video to walk you through the steps of creating a list

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