Frequently Asked Questions
8. Why does the application not allow for attachments and what can I do as an alternative?
Instead of an attachment, we recommend that you host your attachment and link to it in the body of your message. To host your attachment, select Content-> Hosting and use the upload option.
Attachments increase the size of your message. The larger the file size, the more susceptible your message becomes to a filter or an outright block. Also, ISPs (especially free ones like Hotmail, Yahoo etc) limit the size of emails it will accept and deliver to an inbox. A message with an attachment might not be delivered because it puts the recipient over their mailbox quota.
Attachments can’t be opened by all users. Not all people run the same operating system and/or use the same applications. Although they have the file, they might not be able to actually open it.
Attachments sometimes can raise red flags. Smart email users will sometimes question attachments because of a potential virus and damage to their computer.
Viruses spread through attachments. If we allowed this functionality in the application, we would make our customers unnecessarily susceptible to a virus attack. By choosing to not support attachments at all, we're able to completely remove the virus risk for our customers.

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