Site Administration > Module Settings > Event Management
Event Management

Integrated Events

Event Facilities

Event Types

Event Types in JAM will appear as Categories online. These are created in JAM and are uploaded to E3 separately from Events and Event Registrations. These are immediately uploaded to the website as soon as they are created.

Pricing Codes

Pricing Codes in Jonas Activity Management will appear as Registrant Categories online. These are created in Jonas Activity Management and are tied to POS items that are created in Jonas Management. These POS items are then synchronized to Jonas Activity Management based on the Jonas Management Sales Categories.


Cancellation Policies

Cancellation Policies will appear online exactly as they do in JAM. These are created in JAM and calculated and applied in JAM regardless of where the cancellation is made. They are uploaded to E3 separately from Events and Event Registrations. They are immediately uploaded to ClubHouse Online once they are created.

Event Calendar

This calendar will display all the events that have been created in JAM regardless if they are web events or JAM only events

Event List

This will list all the events that have been created similar to the calendar. This will also display the following fields that will be reflected online

  • Event Number - A number assigned to the event once it is created. Sequential and stored in the ClubHouse Online database online.
  • Event Name - The name of the event as it will appear in JAM and online.
  • Event Type - The category of the event that was assigned during its creation and what category it will be listed under online.
  • Location - The Facility which is associated with that specific event.

Creating an Event

If Online Event Management System is Integrated into the Activity Management system, then event creation occurs in the Activity Management system. These events are then uploaded to your E3 website to be displayed in the Event Calendar.

The process to create an event within Activity Management is as follows:
  1. Open the Event Management tab in Activity Management and click on the Event Management icon located under tasks. This will display the calendar view of Event Management in either Day, Week or Month view format.
  2. Select the desired day for the event in the Calendar and click on the create button in tool bar above. This will bring up the Event Setup window.

  3. The following Event Details and General Parameters will need to be entered in:
    • Event Name - The title of the event that will display in the Calendar and List of Events
    • Event Type - The category the event will associated with
    • Start Date/Time - Automatically populated based on the day you select in the calendar. The start time of the event can be set here.
    • End Date/Time - Dictates the day and time the event will end.
    • Min Attendees - The minimum number of attendees the event must have in order to for it to occur
    • Max Attendees - The maximum number of attendees that can attend the event.
    • Restrict Attendees - Dictates whether the event is Members and Guests or 'Members Only'
    • Restrict Gender - Dictates whether the event allows both genders to attend the event or if the event is Men/Women only
    • Allow Wait List - Once the Max Attendees limit has been reached, will you allow additional registrants to be added to a wait list
    • Max Wait - Determine how many registrants can be added to the wait list once the Max Attendee limit has been reached
    • Apply Age Restriction - Determines if an age requirement must be met in order to attend/register for the event.
    • Minimum Age - If an Age Restriction has been activated this is the minimum age a member must be in order to attend/register for the event
    • Maximum Age - If an Age Restriction has been activated this is the maximum age a member must be in order to attend/register for the event.
    • Identify Member Registrants - When registering a member for the event, this setting will determine if the name of the member is required or just how many members are included in the registration.
    • Identify Guest Registrants - When registering a guest of the event, this setting will determine if the name of the guest is required or just how many guests are included in the registration.
    • Allow Guest Name Only - This will determine if a guest can be registered for an event with just their name instead of their name and their email address.
  4. Phone / In Person Registrations will control when the registration for this event will begin and end.
    • Start Date/Time - These parameters dictate the date and time in which registration for the event will begin. This must be at least 24 hours before the start date and time of the event.
    • End Date/Time - These parameters dictate the date and time in which the registration period for the event will end. This must be at least 1 hour before the start time of the event.
  5. If the event will have a cancellation policy applied to it, this segment is where it will be configured.
    • Cancellation Date/Time - These parameters dictate the last date and time in which a registration can be cancelled without a cancellation policy being applied.
    • Cancellation Policy - This parameter dictates which cancellation policy is associated with the event and will be applied to a reservation that is cancelled after the Cancellation Date/Time.
  6. If you would like the price for attending the event to be applied to a member based on their age you will need to check this flag.
  7. If the event will have different pricing based on registration dates you will need to enable this flag in order for right pricing codes to be applied.
    • Up to Date/Time Before - If the Early Bird Pricing feature has been activated for your event you will need to specify how many days before and ad up until what time a registration will be eligible for the special pricing code.
  8. In order for the event to be synchronized to your website you will need to enable the 'Send To Web' option and configure the following Web Registration settings:
    • Start Date/Time - These parameters control when members can begin to register for the event online. This Start Date/Time must be at the same time or after the Phone/In Person Registration Start Date/Time.
    • End Date/Time - These parameters control the end of the Web Registration period. This End Date/Time must be the same as or end before the Phone/In Person Registration End Date/Time.
    • View Others - This will allow members to see which other members have already registered for the event.
    • Disallow All Registration - This setting will still allow members to see the event on the Online Event Calendar but will prevent them from registering for the event.
    • Disallow Registration/Wait List only - This setting will only allow online registrations to be added to the wait list.
    • Max Registration Size - This setting controls how many people can be included in a single reservation
    • Stop Booking After - This settings allows a specific number of online registrations. This can be set to less than the Max Attendee Limit.
    • Web Description - This is the description that you members will see online when clicking on the event from the Event Calendar
  9. Click on the Facilities tab to select a Facility as the location of the event.
    • Choose the Seating Style for the facility
    • Choose the Activity Type for the facility
  10. Click on the pricing tab to set the pricing code that will be applied to registrant categories.
  11. Click on the Save & Close button.


Non-Integrated Events

The Online Event Management module provides your members the ability to see what events are happening at your club as well as allowing them to register for events. Administrators will be able to create the events and have them appear in a calendar view for the members to what is occuring on which days.

Event Calendar

The Event Calendar is the main view that Administrators and members alike will observe what events are occurring on a month to month basis. The calendar view will display multiple events per day which can be clicked on to display the full event details. The Event Calendar provides Administrators the ability to edit pre-existing events as well as create new events.


Creating Events

Creating Online can be completed in two different methods depending on how you need to see the events after creation. The two methods are creating events from the Event Calendar or creating them from within Club Central.
In order to create an event from Club Central you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Log into your website as an Administrator
  2. Click on the link to 'Switch to Club Central'
  3. Click on the Planet E3 icon
  4. In the search bar type in "event" and press enter
  5. Click on Event Management from the search results
  6. From the Event Managemnt menu on the left select Create Event
In order to create an event from the Event Calendar you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Login to your website as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to Event Calendar on your site
  3. Click on the Create New Event
Once you have choosen which method suits you best it is time to create the event.

General Information

  1. Type in the Name of the event
  2. Select an Event Category from the drop-down list
  3. If you wish to color code your events for the Event Calendar, choose a color for the event
  4. Select an Event Location from the drop down list
  5. Enter a description for the event using the WYSIWYG editor
  6. Choose the date of the event
  7. Chose the type event from the following choices:
    • Regular - The event will have a start time and an end time
    • All Day - The event has no start time or end time and will dispaly "All Day" in the Event Calendar
    • No Time - The event has no start time or end time and will only display the event name in the Event Calendar
    • No End TIme - The event has a specific start time but does not have an end time
  8. If you have chosen Regular or No End TIme, set the start time of the event
  9. If you have chosen Regular as the event type, set the end time of the event
  10. If the event will have multiple seating times, click on the Add new seating time to add the additional times.
Note: Only Regular events may have multiple seating times.

If the event will recur in the future check off the box "Yes" to enable the Recurrence.
The options for Recurrence allow you to decide if an event will recur:
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly
As well how many times for each one of those choices.

Under the Restrictions section you will need to select the following options:
  • No attendees under () years old - This will allow you to set a minimum age requirement for the event
  • No attendees over () years old - This will allow you to set a maximum age limit for the event
  • Allow Guests - This will all members to include guests in their reservations
  • Gender Restrictions - This will allow you to set the event to gender specific if desired
Under the Other Settings section you will have the following options:
  • Hide from Calendar at a Glance - If you have setup the Calendar at a Glance widget on an alternate page of your site, this will toggle weather the event will be listed or not.
  • Allow Public Users to View This Event - If you have setup a Public Calendar on your site, this feature will determine if this event will be displayed on that calendar as well.

Registration and Pricing

Not every event displayed in the event calendar will have a registration option attached to it. If you decide to add registration you will need to select from one of the following options:
  • Registration and Pricing - Allow your members to register for the event as well as dictate a price for attending the event
  • Registration Only - Allow your members to register for the event
  • Pricing Only - No Registration but a price is listed for anyone attending the event

Once you decided whether your event will have Registration, Pricing or Both, you will need to determine what type of registration you will allow. These are broken down into the following categories:
  • Quick Registration - Allows members to add quantities of unnamed registrants per Registrant Category. Since the registrants are unnamed, Booking Questions can be added to the registration; however, individual registrant questions cannot be added.
  • Detailed Registration - Allows members to add named registrants by utilizing the search options provided or by typing in Guests' names. For events of this type, both Booking and Individual questions can be added to the registration process.
  • Hybrid Registration - Allows members to add both Named and Unnamed registrants. Events of this type of registration allow for both Booking and Individual questions, however, Individual questions can only be answered by named registrants(Members and/or Guests)

The registration period allows you to state when members can start and stop registering for an event. This period has a start date which must be at least one full day before the start date of the event. The end date for registration must be at least one hour before the start of the event. Registration periods cannot continue into the actual time of the event.

The Registration Limits for an event have the following options:
  • Event Attendance Limit - Allows administrators to set a maximum for the total number registrants for the event
  • Booking Attendance Limit - Allows administrators to set a maximum for the total number registrants that can be included in a single registration.
Note: By default both the Event Attendance Limit and the Booking Attendence Limit are set to unlimited.

After configuring, the registration period and registration limits, you will have the option of adding questions to the registration process. As previously stated when choosing a registration Type, the type of questions that can be added to the registration process will vary. Quick registrations will only allow Booking questions where as Detailed and Hybrid registrations allow Booking and Individual questions to be added.

  • Booking Questions - These questions are directed at the entire booking party and not registrant specific
  • Individual Questions - These questions will be asked of each named registrant included in the registration.

Up to 10 of each type of question can be added to the registration process. By checking the "Required" check box beside any of the questions will force registrants to answer this question before being able to complete their registration.

For each question type, you can create questions with answers of two different types:

  • Simple - A simple answer type will prompt the registrant to enter text into a text input box, allowing them to control the answer they provide and convey greater detail.
  • Multiple Choice - Multiple choice will allow the registrants to select their answer from a drop down list of answers that you have populated, providing you with a greater level of control over the potential answers provided.
If you have chosen, Registration, Pricing or both as your registration type, you must assign Registrant Categories to the event. There are two types of Registrant Categories:
  • Age Applied - Ideal for scenarios where you want to restrict attendance by age or want to apply prices by registrant age. Each category has a maximum age – the minimum age of a category is determined by the maximum age of the category with the next highest maximum age. The exception is the category with the lowest maximum age whose minimum is determined by the event minimum age. Default applied to the registrant based on their current age in whole years (if, as of today, a registrant has passed their 17th birthday, but has not reached their 18th, they are considered 17).
  • Member Selected - As opposed to auto assigning these to a user, members have the ability to select the category that applies to them. Ideal for scenarios where there are multiple aspects to the event and the registrant can choose which aspects in which they want to participate and pay the associated price.


These Registrant Categories are configured in the Manage Registrant Categories. By default, you will have Age Applied categories titled "Child" (with a max age equal to your current Underage Limit minus one) and "Regular" (with a maximum age of 110).

Once you’ve selected the type of Registrant Categories (Age Applied vs. Member Selected) you’re going to use, you can add categories of those types from the ‘Add Categories’ drop down. Keep in mind that the drop down is restricted to the categories you’ve created for each type. You can add up to six categories per event.

Once categories are added, you have the ability to specify which of the categories you’ve added will be the default. If you’ve selected an event with Registration and Pricing or one with Pricing Only, additional options will appear both above the selected categories and within the selected categories.

Below the assigned Registrant Categories, there are two additional sections – Options and Notifications.

Within the Options section, you’ll find the following:

  • View Other Attendees - If enabled, members can see who else is attending an event by way of the View Others Attending link within the View Event screen
  • Allow Wait List - This option will allow you to turn on the wait list feature for this event. If a wait list has been enabled, registrants wanting to attend an event that has reached or exceeded its total attendance limit will be placed in a waiting list. These potential registrants can be allowed to attend the event at your sole discretion, thereby increasing the event attendance limit.
  • Allow Guests - This feature can be activated from here or within the General Information tab.  If checked, a Guest field appears for each Registrant Category within which a Guest price can be established.
  • Track clubbroadCast Conversions - If you’re interested in tracking conversions from an email campaign you’ve sent out via clubbroadcast, enter in the Conversion code from your clubbroadCast email marketing account.
  • Cancellation Policy - This will allow you to select the Cancellation Policy that applies to this event. The policy chosen here already contains the rules that will determine the date beyond which cancellations will no longer be accepted and can have a window during which users are penalized for cancelling.

Within the notifications section, you’ll find the following:

  • Notify Members - When this feature is activated, members will receive email notifications upon being included in a new reservation or when an existing reservation is edited or cancelled.
  • Notify Club - When this feature is activated, any email addresses entered in this field will receive email notifications if a registration is created, edited or cancelled. When entering more than one email address, separate them with a comma.
The last feature that can be added to registration is Early bird Pricing. This feature is only available if the Registration and Pricing option was chosen and must be first activated to allow the following configuration options to be made available:
  • Ends Number of Days/Hours before registration ends - This configuration settings will allow you to dictate up until how many days or hours before an event a special registration price will be available. This configuration must be set to at least 1 hour prior to the end of registration.
  • Early bird Member and Guest Pricing - This will allow you to send an alternate price for anyone who registers prior to the aforementioned setting.

Once you are satisfied with the settings chosen you can click on the SAVE button. This will save the event but will not display it on the Event Calendar or Event List. If you wish to display the event in the Calendar you will need to click on SAVE & PUBLISH.

Manage Events

The Manage Events menu provides administrators with an overview of all of your events. You will be able to view, manage and edit any of the events currently created within your Events Calendar. Be they past, present or future events you will see them listed in this area even if the event is not yet published to the members side of the website and if the event has been deleted. The Event Filter allows you to limit the events displayed using the following filters:
  • Type of Event - Allows you to display all events or only the Upcoming, Past or Deleted events.
  • Event Name Search - Allows you to search for an event(s) with a specific name
  • Date Range - Allows you to display all events within a certain time frame
The Manage Events list displays every single instance (every event in a recurrence) and seating of every event you’ve created in Event Management.

Within the table itself you’ll find the following columns:
  • Event Name - The name of the event, hyperlinked to the page that will be seen by members when they click on the event within the Calendar or List Events.
  • Event Date - This column will list the date of the particular instance/seating.
  • Event Time - This column lists the start time to end time of the particular instance/seating.
  • Total Att. - Lists the total number of people currently registered for that event – this value is hyperlinked to the Manage Event Registrations page.
  • Max Att. - Displays the maximum number of attendees the event will allow.
  • Wait List - Displays the total number of people (if any) currently registered to the wait list, if the event allows for it.
  • Registration - If an event is registrable and the current date is between the registration start and end dates, then action buttons will be displayed.
Note: If Registration is currently closed (the event is in Wait List mode or has been manually closed), the Open button will be displayed. If Registration is currently Open, the Close button will be displayed. Closing registration will prevent members from registering for the event, however, if the event has a Wait List, members can register for the Wait List when an event is in a closed state.
  • Action Buttons  - This column is dedicated to a series of action buttons.
    •   Edit - Clicking on this button will allow you to edit the event.
    • Add Registration - Clicking on this button will launch the booking screen for the associated event and allow you to add bookings.
    • Report - Clicking on this button will take the administrator to the Event Report where you can see a tabular report outlining the details of every registration associated with that event.
    • Publish - Will appear if the current state of the event is unpublished.
    • Unpublish - Will appear if the current state of the event is published.
    • Link - Clicking on this button will allow you to generate a link directly to the event which can then be used in email campaigns or within other pages of the site to direct members to the event.

From within the Manage Events section you have the ability to manage the event registrations, to do so you will click on the Total Attendees number in the Total Att. column of the event listing. Here, you will have the ability to add, edit and delete bookings. Upon clicking on the Total Attendees value for any registrable event within Manage Events, you will be taken to the Manage Event Registrations screen.

This view provides you with the ability to Add Bookings, Cancel Registrants from existing bookings and/or Cancel Bookings. Additionally, there is a button that will allow you to access the Event Registration Report.
Quick Registration

  Upon clicking the value in the Wait List column of any registrable event where a Wait List has been configured within Manage Events, you will be taken to the Manage Event Wait List screen.

This screen will allow you to manage your wait list registrations – including Cancelling individual registrants, entire bookings or moving those bookings into the actual registration.

 [Wait List Image Placeholder]

The summary information at the top outlines Event Details, as well as how many people are registered and how many spaces remain. At any time, irrespective of available space, bookings can be added to the registration by clicking on the Add Booking button.

All events allow Administrators the ability to overbook an event by way of the Manage Wait List screen. If you should opt to add a booking that will result in overbooking, a warning will be displayed informing you of the fact you are now overbooking the event.

If you are not interested in overbooking an event, you have the ability to remove individual registrants from a Wait List booking by way of the individual ‘Cancel’ buttons beside each registrant. Once the booking contains fewer registrants than the remaining space, you can then add the entire booking to the registration.

Cancellation Policies

On the Cancellation Policies screen, you will find a table of all the Cancellation Policies you’ve created to date.  The Default column indicates which Cancellation Policy will be assigned to events you’re creating by default. Only one can be labelled as the default, however, you do not have to define one as the default – in this scenario, a Cancellation Policy will not be automatically assigned to an Event.

The Policy Name is exactly what it seems – it’s the name you, or someone else at your club, has given the policy. You cannot create more than one policy with the same name. All Cancellation Policies must have a unique name.

The Cancellation End Date is the date beyond which Cancellations are prohibited. It is specified in days prior to the Event Start date at a particular time. For example, if you specified the Cancellation End Date was to occur 3 days prior at 3:00 p.m. and your New Year’s Eve event was scheduled to start on December 31st at 8:00 p.m. , members could not cancel their bookings after December 28th at 3:00 p.m.  All Cancellation Policies must have a Cancellation End Date.

The Cancellation Window outlines the period during which members can cancel their bookings, however, a penalty is enforced. Unlike Cancellation End Date, Cancellation Policies can be created without such a window. Once again, the Cancellation Window is specified in days prior to the event start time at particular time (i.e., 5 days prior at 5:00 p.m.). This is the start date and time of the period during which cancellations are penalized. The penalty applied can be specified as a flat fee or as a percentage of the price of admission for the cancelled member. The start date of the Cancellation Window must predate the Cancellation End Date. If it does not, you will not be able to save the policy.

The Delete indicates which Cancellation Policies can be deleted. Those policies which have been assigned to an event, where registrations have been created cannot be deleted, and ‘In Use’ will be displayed.

You can create new and even edit existing cancellation policies from within the Manage Cancellation Policies area, when creating and or editing Cancellation Policies there are multiple parameters you will need to set.
To create a Cancellation Policy, begin by specifying its name. The name is a mandatory field and it must be unique.
Next, specify the Cancellation End Date. This is the date beyond which registrations cannot be cancelled. It is specified in days prior to the event start date, at a specific time.
Finally, if you want to enforce a penalty for cancellations after a certain point, enable and configure a Cancellation Window.

Specify the number of days and time at which the window opens. From this point until the Cancellation End Date, all registrations cancelled will be charged a fee.

As such, the Cancellation Window must always precede the Cancellation End Date – you cannot save it if it does not. The fee can be set as a percentage of the event price (based on Registrant Category) or as a flat fee.

Click the SAVE button to save the Cancellation Policy.

Event Categories

Within this screen, you have the ability to create, update and delete the Categories to which your events are assigned. You also have the ability to establish default categories – those that you choose will be applied to every event you create, by default.

To create a new Category simply enter the name of your new Category in the field within the Add New section and click the ‘Add New’ button. After doing so, the newly created Category will appear in the table below. To complete the creation, click on the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click Save, the addition will be removed upon leaving this screen.
[Event Categories Placeholder]
Within this screen, you have the ability to create, update and delete the Categories to which your events are assigned.

To delete a Category, simply click on the Delete icon within its delete column. To complete the deletion, click on the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click Save, the addition will be removed upon leaving this screen.

If a Category is assigned to an event, that category cannot be deleted. In fact, instead of displaying the delete icon, the words ‘In Use’ will be displayed preventing you from deleting that Category.

To update a Category, simply click into the name field for a given Category and modify its name. To complete the update, click the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click save, the update will revert upon leaving the screen.

For those of you that were migrated from the previous version of Calendar/Event Registration, here are some things you should know about this screen:
  1. All of the Categories you created in the previous version and the assigned default will be migrated over. You need not create any new Categories, unless of course you need to.
  2. The process of Creation is identical.
  3. The main difference between this version and its predecessor is that you can now assign multiple defaults.


Event Locations

Within this screen, you have the ability to create, update and delete the Locations in which your events will be held. You also have the ability to establish default locations – those that you choose will be applied to every event you create, by default.

To create a new Location simply enter the name of your new Location in the field within the Add New section and click the ‘Add New’ button. After doing so, the newly created Location will appear in the table below. To complete the creation, click on the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click Save, the addition will be removed upon leaving this screen.

To delete a Category, simply click on the Delete icon within its delete column. To complete the deletion, click on the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click Save, the addition will be removed upon leaving this screen.

If a Location is assigned to an event, that Location cannot be deleted. In fact, instead of displaying the delete icon, the words ‘In Use’ will be displayed preventing you from deleting that Category.

To update a Location, simply click into the name field for a given Location and modify its name. To complete the update, click the Save button at the top left of the screen. If you do not click save, the update will revert upon leaving the screen.

For those of you that were migrated from the previous version of Calendar/Event Registration, here are some things you should know about this screen:
  1. All of the Locations you created in the previous version and the assigned default will be migrated over. You need not create any new Locations, unless of course you need to.
  2. The process of creation is identical.
  3. The main difference between this version and its predecessor is that you can now assign multiple defaults.


Registrant Categories

  Within this screen you have the ability to create, update and delete Registrant Categories and Groups of Registrant Categories. When you are creating events with Registration, Pricing or Both, you must assign at least one Registrant Category. While you manage those categories within this screen, it is during the process of creating/editing events where you will assign them to a given event.

The screen is split into two sections: Age Applied and Member Selected.


Age Applied Registrant Categories

Within this section you can create, update and/or delete Age Applied Registrant Categories and Groups of Age Applied Registrant Categories. These differ from their Member Selected counterparts insofar as they require a Maximum Age which is used to determine the oldest registrant that can be assigned to the category. These are best suited to events where you want to restrict attendance by age and/or the price applied to a registrant is dependent upon their age.

When creating an Age Applied Registrant Category, you are required to provide both a name and a maximum age. The name and maximum age must be unique.

Once a category is created, you will have the ability to assign it to a group – either one that already exists or a new group you want to create on the fly. Assigning Registrant Categories that are often used together (e.g., Child, Adult and Senior) to a group, affords you the ability to add these categories more quickly when creating/editing an event. To add a category to a group, click on the ‘Group’ link within the Add To column immediately to the right of the category name. Upon doing so, you will have the ability to add it to an existing group or to a new group. Alternatively, if you want to create a new group, click on the ‘New Group’ button.

When you assign Age Applied Registrant Categories to an event, the minimum age for an assigned Registrant Category is determined by the maximum age of the Registrant Category with the next highest maximum. For example, you’ve created an event and you have assigned the following Age Applied Registrant Categories:
  • Child (maximum age 17)
  • Adult (maximum age 64)
  • Senior (maximum age 110)

In this scenario, the Senior category has a maximum age of 110 and a minimum of 65 (as defined by the Adult category), the Adult category has a maximum age of 64 and a minimum of 18 (as defined by the Child category), and the Child category has a maximum age of 17 and minimum age of 1. The minimum age for the Age Applied Registrant Category is defined by the minimum age specified at the event level.

Member Selected Registrant Categories

Within this section you can create, update and/or delete Member Selected Registrant Categories and Groups. These differ from their Age Applied counterparts insofar as they do not require a maximum age. Member Selected Registrant Categories are most useful in scenarios where attendance at an event is not restricted by age nor is the price applied a function of the registrants’ ages. These are best suited to events where registrants can select among various packages when attending an event – for instance if the event is Golf Outing and a Dinner, registrants can opt among Golf Only, Dinner Only or Golf & Dinner.

When creating a Member Selected Registrant category, you need only provide a name, however, that name must be unique.
Once a category is created, you will have the ability to assign it to a group – either one that already exists or a new group you want to create on the fly. Assigning Registrant Categories that are often used together (e.g., Golf & Dinner, Golf only and Dinner Only) to a group affords you the ability to add these categories more quickly when creating/editing an event.  To add a category to a group, click on the ‘Group’ link within the Add To column immediately to the right of the category name. Upon doing so, you will have the ability to add it to an existing group or to a new group. Alternatively, if you want to create a new group, click on the ‘New Group’ button.

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