Latest News
   Welcome to our New Support Website
   Attaching Files and Images to an Email Message
   New to ClubHouse Online or clubbroadCast?
   clubbroadCast Contact Status
   Adding News Articles to Your ClubHouse Online e3 Website
   Integrating Your Twitter and Facebook Profiles in clubbroadCast
   Do You Need to Update Your Browser?
   Easily Create Pre-Designed Web Pages Using Document Types
   Sending Members Overdue Balance Reminders using clubbroadCast
   It's 2015 – Update your Copyright Status
   Online Help Videos for Website Administrators
   Introducing Court Bookings v.2
   Setting Web Page Level Security
   New clubbroadCast Email Templates
   Troubles Formatting Emails in clubbroadCast?
   Creating a Website Favicon
   Changes to the ClubHouse Online Roster Module
   Review: Managing Your Online Calendar of Events and Registrations
   New Calendar Event Templates!
   Add Groups and Forums to your website through the Social Networking module
   Retrieving User Data Online using ClubHouse Online BizForm
   New Real Estate Document Types
   Tee Time Enhancement: Allow Members to Add Themselves (and Others) to Existing Tee Time Requests
   Notice For Internet Explorer 10 Users
   ClubHouse Online e3 Upgrade and Maintenance Outage - Saturday, May 4, 2013
   IOS Device (iPhone, iPad, and iPod) Home Screen Shortcuts
   Exporting Biz Form Data
   Delivering to Gmail's New Inbox Using clubbroadCast
   Inserting The New Twitter Widget Onto Your Website
   Calendar/Event Registration Upgrade
   Important Notice for Internet Explorer 11 Users
   Calendar Event Registration Upgrade - Tonight
   Scheduled Maintenance - Sunday, March 9, 2014
   New to ClubHouse Online or clubbroadCast?
   ClubHouse Online e3 – Display Your Calendar to the Public
   Important Notification regarding upgrading your website's SSL Certificate
   Club Central Upgrade
   Scheduled Outages
   ClubHouse Online Mobile Just Got Better!
   ClubHouse Online - System Enhancement Upgrade
   ClubHouse Online e3 Scheduled Maintenance
   Improving Your Deliverability - Part 1
   Improving Your Deliverablility - Part 2

Welcome to our New Support Website


On behalf of the entire ClubHouse Online e3 team, I welcome you to our new support website.

Here you will find a wide variety of information about the product offering, documentation to assist you in creating and maintaining your site, information about the implementation process as well as help videos and the ability to register for any of our free webinars.

Looking for answers? The site is designed to provide you with industry best practices, tips and tricks as well as keep you informed on latest website trends.

The goal of the portal is to be able to answer questions like:
  1. How do I implement an SEO strategy?
  2. What are the documents types available?
  3. When are the online webinars and how do I register?
  4. When is the next product release and what were the contents of the previous release?
  5. What is the process of implementing my new website and how long will it take?
  6. How do I create a segment in clubbroadCast?
  7. How do I get in touch with support and log a support ticket?
  8. I need help with building pages. What services does Clubcomm provide?
  9. How do I integrate with my social networking pages like Facebook and Twitter?
  10. How do I embed videos into my site?

I encourage you to utilize the site to keep you up to date with the latest activity, product releases and fixes for the ClubHouse Online e3 platform. We will be continuously updating the website, so keep an eye out for new features and programs.

We are also interested in your feedback about the site and welcome your suggestions. As such we have implemented a feedback tab on the right side of every page and also provided the ability to rate the content in the site.
We'd like to thank you again for implementing the ClubHouse Online e3 platform as your club’s website and encourage you to visit often. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Steve Cowan
VP –Online Services NewsLatest news RSS