e3 Help > Social Networking > My Friends
My Friends

The My Friends section is a social feature that allows registered members to communicate with their fellow registered members through the website. If a registered members is going to be communicating with the same members frequently, inviting the same members to join groups or wish to quickly see announcements/make comments to these members' social profiles, adding them to their friends list is the quickest way to do so. From this section members have the option to add new friends or manage their existing lists.

Add a Friend

In order to add a friend you will need to follow these steps:

1.    From the My Profile section click on My Friends link
2.    Click on the Add a friend button

3. From the pop-up box, click on the Select button to bring up a list registered members
From this pop-up box, you can search for the member and click on their name.
Note: Only frend request can be sent at one time.
5. Once you have selected the member, you can choose to add a comment, send the request as an email, through site messaging or both.

6. Once you have selected the appropriate options click the Request button.
This request will appear in the selected member's My Friends section. You will need to click on Manage Friends and it will display under 'Friends waiting for my approval'.

Under the member who initiated the request it will appear under their My Friends section. They will need to click on Manage friends and then click on Pending Requests.

Managing My Friends

Clicking on the Manage My Friends button will bring you to your existing friends area of the My Friends section. From this area members will be able to see their friends list, rejected friends and any pending requests. Members can remove registered memebrs they no longer wish to have on their list and alos have the ability to add new ones.

My Friends

The My Friends section of Manage Friends, is divided into two sections which are My Current Friends and Friends Waiting For My Approval.
My Current Friends - All of the registered members that are currently your friends will appear under this heading. Clicking on any of the names listed will bring you to that members Social Profile page.
Friends waiting for my approval - All requests to become friends that have been initiated by another registered member will appear here. To accept a friend request you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Click on the green checkmark next to the member's name.
  2. From the confirmation window displayed, click Yes to confirm.
  3. The member will now appear under My Current Friends
To deny a friend request you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Click on the red circle with cros through it.
  2. From the confirmation window displayed, enter a comment.
  3. Check/Uncheck the box to send an e-mail to the requester or send a message through the website.
  4. Click on Reject to confirm
  5. The member will now appear under Rejected Friends
Rejected Friends
Any friends that you have rejected will be displayed in this area. All registered members that appear in this area will no longer be able to send friend requests to the member who rejected them. From this area you also have the option to accept a member who was previously rejected.
To Accept the member you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Click on the green checkmark next to the member's name.
  2. From the confirmation window displayed, click Yes to confirm.
  3. The member will now appear under My Current Friends

My Pending Requests

All friend requests you have made will appear in this section with a status of waiting. Once the request has been appected or declined it will no longer appear in this area. Requests that have gone unanswered can be removed by following these steps:
  1. Click on the red X next to the member you wish to delete.
  2. From the confirmation window click OK to confirm.
If there are multiple members you wish to delete at once you can follow these steps.
  1. Check off the box next to the members you wish to delete
  2. Click the 'Remove all selected friends' button
  3. From the confirmation window click OK to confirm.

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