e3 Help > Social Networking > Groups > Forums
Group Admins are the only group members that can create a forum within the group. The Forums tab within the group is where the forums are created and moderated by Group Admins

Creating a Forum
In order to create a Forum within the group, a Group Admin will need to follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Forums menu
  2. Click on 'Add Forum'
  3. Enter the following information for the new forum:
    • Forum display name - The topic or name of the forum
    • Description - A brief summary of the subject for the forum
    • Require e-mail addresses - This feature would require a member to enter their email address in order to post a message in the forum
    • Display e-mail addresses - This feature will display the email address of the members posting in the forum
    • Use security code (CAPTCHA) - In order to prevent spam posts you can require member to enter in a security code in order to post messages.
    • Forum is open - This setting controls whether or not the forums is available for members to see on the site
    • Forum is locked - This setting controls whether or not the forums is available for members to subscribe to.
    • Forum is Moderated - Allows Administrators to appoint moderators to the forum
  4. Once you have completed all setting choices, click okay to complete the Forum creation.
Edit Forum Properties
Once a forum has been created, any additional changes can be made by editing the forum's properties

From the Groups tabs, click on Forums
Once you have clicked on the edit option, the various tabs at the top will provide you with specific administration/configuration options. The tabs available, as well as their options are listed as follows:

Any posts made by a user, as well as the thread they are associated with, will be visable in this area. Site Administrators have the ability to moderate posts and threads from this section as well as subscribe to any of the active threads listed. Administrators can leave posts to a thread friom this tab as well.
This tab displays the basic information and administration settings of the forum. These settings were initially setup when the forum was created and can be adjusted if need be.
The subscription section will display all of the users that have subscribed to any of the available threads in this forum. From here Administrators will be able to manage subscriptions to the forum. They have the ability to delete, edit or add new subscriptions to the forum. To subscribe an email address to the forum,

1. Click on 'New Subscription
2. Type in the email address 
3. Check or uncheck the option to 'Send a confirmation e-mail to the subscriber'
4. Click 'OK' to complete the subscription.

A Moderator of the site has the ability, approve, edit or delete posts made by other users. This section allows Administrators to determine who is a moderator of the forum. In order to add a user as a moderator you will need to fllow these steps:

1. Check the option Forum is moderated
2. Click on Add Users
3. Check box next to the user(s) you would like to select to be a moderator
4. Click OK to confirm your selections
*Note* Only registered users will be available for selection. Administrators by default are moderators of the forum and do not need to be added*Note*

Once a forum has been made available, all users will have permission to view the forum, create posts, initiate new threads, reply to posts and subscribe. Located under the security tab of a forums administrative settings, permissions can be defined for the various roles on your site.

Security settings are divided into four categories:
1. Nobody - Prevent all users access to a designated feature.
2. All users(default) - Will allow all users access to a designated feature
3. Authenticated users - Will allow all users access to a designated feature
4. Authorized roles - This will allow specified roles access to designated features. Once this feature is selected you will be required to select which roles have access to which features. All of the available roles are listed underneath this option.

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