e3 Help > Calendar and Event Management > Managing Events > Manage Event Wait List
Manage Event Wait List
Upon clicking the value in the Wait List column of any registrable event where a Wait List has been configured within Manage Events, you will be taken to the Manage Event Wait List screen.

This screen will allow you to manage your wait list registrations – including Cancelling individual registrants, entire bookings or moving those bookings into the actual registration.

The summary information at the top outlines Event Details, as well as how many people are registered and how many spaces remain. At any time, irrespective of available space bookings can be added to the registration by clicking on the ‘Add Booking’ button.

All events allow Administrators the ability to overbook an event by way of the Manage Wait List screen. If you should opt to add a booking that will result in overbooking, a warning will be displayed informing you of the fact you are now overbooking the event.

If you are not interested in overbooking an event, you have the ability to remove individual registrants from a Wait List booking by way of the individual ‘Cancel’ buttons beside each registrant. Once the booking contains fewer registrants than the remaining space, you can then add the entire booking to the registration.

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