e3 Help > Calendar and Event Management > Custom Email Header & Footer
Custom Email Header & Footer

Site level Default Notification Email

You can customize the header and/or footer area of the email notifications sent by the calendar module for all events created, through the Events Configuration area.

The changes made here will be applied to all new events that you create, by default. If you would like to modify the header and/or footer of an individual event, please see Event specific custom notification emails.

You will not have the ability to modify any of the text within the email, you are merely being given the capability to add a header and/or footer to email notifications.

To access the Site level default, click on the Email Notifications tab within Club Central> Administration> Events> Events Configuration.

Once inside the email Notification tab, click within the Header Banner or Footer Banner fields to activate the edit screen – exactly how you would in Create/Edit Event within the Event Description field.

This will present you with a modal window, through which you can add HTML content by way of the WYSIWYG editor.

Click on the Preview button to see how your email notifications will appear with the Header and Footer embedded.

The information populated in the event details section of the preview is generic, it is merely intended to assist in visualizing the end result.

Event Specific Notification Emails

You can modify the banners for a particular event, click on the Email Notification tab within the Create/Edit Event screen.

The changes made here will only be applied to that specific event – if it is a recurring event, it will apply to all instances of that recurrence. If you would like to modify the header and/or footer of all new events, please see Site level custom notification emails.

You will not have the ability to modify any of the text within the email, you are merely being given the capability to add a header and/or footer to email notifications.

Once within the Email Notification tab, to customize either of the Header or Footer banners, check the ‘Use Custom’ check box and click within the field.

Clicking within the field when the ‘Use Custom’ option has been checked will launch the Banner editor within which the Site default will be displayed and can be modified.

Click on the Preview button to see how your email notifications for this event will appear with the Customized Header and Footer embedded. 

The information populated in the event details section of the preview is generic, it is merely intended to assist in visualizing the end product.

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