e3 Help > Dining Menu
Dining Menu
Within E3 you can create dining menus that will easily and neatly display menus (ex. lunch or dinner), dining categories (ex. appetizer or entrées), and individual items. To start the process, you first need to pick the document type of Dining Menu to label what menu you are adding.
  1. To create a Dining Menu page, click on the 'New' on the top left corner within Club Central. A new menu will display listing all available document types and pages that can be created. Select 'Dining Menu'.
  2. Enter a name for this menu. Typically menu's are labeled by the service; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.
  3. Once the document is created, right click on the new menu you just created and select 'New' to add the Dining Category, such as appetizers or entrées.
  4. Once the category is created, you can right click on the new section you created and select 'New' to add a new dining item. Fill in the pertinent information for a new item. At this point, you can add pictures and will be displayed when users are viewing the menu item.
  5. When finished, you can click save to save this item and remain on this page, or click save and create another to continue creating menu items.
Your menu will look similar to the menu below. Users can click on items to view the item details with an image (if applicable). At this time, dining menus are not customizable. If you are interested in a customized menu with modifications to text style and colors, please contact your ClubHouse Online support group and they will be happy to assist.

Menu View:

Item View:

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