Review: Page Level Security

In order to use page level security, you must have a clear understanding of site Users and Roles.  A User is one specific account within a website (created manually or by member registration), where a Role is similar to a group of users and is applied to a user account. For instance, User Roger Smith can have the Role of Administrator, Member, or Employee. A User can also have multiple Roles, where Roger Smith can register their member account and automatically have the Member Role, but can also have Administrator applied to gain administrative privileges to the site.

This functionality is most beneficial when clubs would like to create custom Roles in addition to the defaults provided; such has Committee, Board Members, or activity Roles such as Swim or Tennis Clubs, etc. For more information on creating and editing Roles please review the documentation on Roles located on our ClubHouse Online e3 Support site here. Once a Role is added to page level security, Users of that Role have the permission to view that page.

Setting page level security is a two-step process. We first need to specify that the page requires a security check, or authentication. Setting a page to use authentication means users accessing that page will be checked for permissions upon arrival and granted or denied access to view. This is a common overlooked setting within page security – in order to use permissions the page must be set to use authentication. To set authentication, load your webpage within Club Central by using the content tree to the left. Click on Properties > Security. Within the Access block at the bottom of the page, set ‘Requires Authentication’ to Yes.

Next, Users and/or Roles need to be applied to specify if they are granted or denied access to the page. By default, the Administrator Role is the only role that has full rights to every page even though it is not explicitly set within Permissions.

NOTE: There is no need to add Administrator to grant access to any page. In addition we strongly recommend against adding Administrator in order to deny any privileges.

Once authentication is turned on, a User or Role will need to be granted Read permissions in order to access the page. Adding a User will allow that single user to access the page, while adding a Role will allow all users assigned to the role to access the page. Within the Permission block, select ‘Add Users’ or ‘Add Roles’ and select the User or Role you wish to add from the pop up list. Using the table to the right, define the access rights for a specific ‘User’ or ‘Role’ by selecting allow or deny adjacent to the access right you would like to set.

NOTE: Setting deny for any access right will trump that of an allow right. For example, if a club member had both the Administrator and Member roles, and the Member role was denied access to read a page, the member will no longer have access to that page because they are part of the Member role, ignoring the Administrator role access.

One last important note with page level security is inheritance. It is not necessary to set permissions on every page created within ClubHouse Online e3. Inheritance allows child pages to inherit the permissions of their parent page. Inheritance of a child page can be broken or restored from its parent at any time.

For more information on setting page level permissions and inheritance, please review the help documentation Security on the ClubHouse Online e3 Support Site.