e3 Help > Calendar and Event Management > Managing Events > Manage Events
Manage Events
The Manage Events screen (Club Central> Event Management> Manage Events) provides you with an overview of all of your events. There is a filter which allows you to limit the events displayed to those that are Upcoming, Past, or Deleted. The table lists every single instance (every event in a recurrence) and seating of every event you’ve created in ClubHouse Online.

Within the table itself you’ll find the following columns:

Event Name The name of the event, hyperlinked to the page that will be seen by members when they click on the event within the Calendar or List Events.
Event Date This column will list the date of the particular instance/seating.
Event Time This column lists the start time to end time of the particular instance/seating.
Total Att. Lists the total number of people currently registered for that event – this value is hyperlinked to the Manage Event Registrations page.
Max Att. Displays the maximum number of attendees the event will allow.
Wait List Displays the total number of people (if any) currently registered to the wait list, if the event allows for it.

If the event is configured such that it does not have a wait list, N/A will be displayed.
Registration If an event is registrable and the current date is between the registration start and end dates, then action buttons will be displayed.

If Registration is currently Closed (the event is in wait list mode or has been manually closed), the ‘Open’ button will be displayed.

If Registration is currently Open, the ‘Close’ button will be displayed.

Closing registration will prevent members from registering for the event, however, if the event has a wait list, members can register for the Wait List when an event is in a Closed state.
Action Buttons This column is dedicated to a series of action buttons.

 "Edit" Clicking on this button will allow you to edit the event.

If the event associated with the edit button is part of a recurrence, you will be prompted to edit just that event or the entire series.
"Add Registration"  Clicking on this button will launch the booking screen for the associated event and allow you to add bookings.

This button will appear for all registrable events.
"Report"  Clicking on this button will take the administrator to the Event Report where you can see a tabular report outlining the details of every registration associated with that event.

This button will appear for all registrable events.
"Publish" Will appear if the current state of the event is unpublished.

Clicking on this button will publish the event to the members side of the calendar.
"Unpublish" Will appear if the current state of the event is published.

Clicking on this button will remove the event from the members side of the calendar.
"Link" Clicking on this button will allow you to generate a link directly to the event which can then be used in email campaigns or within other pages of the site to direct members to the event.

If the member clicking on the link is not already logged into the site, they will be required to first log in before being redirected to the View Event page.

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