e3 Help > Calendar and Event Management > Creating Events > Registration and Pricing
Registration and Pricing
Upon accessing the Registration and Pricing tab of Create Event, you will be presented with a question which reads ‘Does this event require registration and/or pricing?’ to which you can respond by selecting one of four options: No, Registration and Pricing, Registration Only, and Pricing Only as can be seen below.

The option chosen will determine the configuration options displayed. If ‘No’ is selected, then there will not be any configuration required, since the Event will have neither Registration nor Pricing.

Assigning a Registration Type

When configuring an event with registration, with or without pricing, you must first select the type of Registration which will be supported by the Event. By default, Quick is selected; however, you can opt for Detailed or Hybrid (new).


Quick Quick registration allows members to add quantities of unnamed registrants per Registrant Category.

Since registrants are unnamed, Booking Questions can be asked of the Registrar; however, Individual questions are not possible.
Detailed Detailed registration allows members to add named registrants by searching for other members or by entering Guests’ names.

For events of this type, both Booking and Individual questions can be asked of the registrants.
Hybrid Hybrid registration allows members to add both Named and Unnamed Registrants.

Events of this type of registration allow for both Booking and Individual questions, however, answers to Individual questions can only be provided for Named registrants (Member and/or Guests).

Registration Window and Limits

The registration window and limits section allows you to define when Members will be able to register to attend the event in question, as well as the total capacity for the event and the maximum attendees per booking.

Starts | Ends For all registrable events, you must configure the registration window. To do so, you must specify the start and end dates/times. These will determine when members can begin registering for the event, and when registration closes. If your event is a recurring event, the registration window is configured relatively since the actual dates will vary over the course of the recurrence – they are specified in days prior to the Event Start time at a particular time of day.
Capacity Within the Capacity section, you have the ability to set limits for the Event itself as well as with respect to Booking size. The Event Attendance allows you to set a maximum for total attendees at the event, while the Booking Attendance limit allows you to set a maximum for a given booking. By default, both the Event Attendance and Booking Attendance Limits are unlimited. 

Adding Questions

After configuring, the registration window and the attendance and booking limits, you have the option of adding questions. The type of questions you can ask of registrants depends on the registration type you’ve specified.

Events with Detailed or Hybrid registration allow for both Booking (asked once of all registrants) and Individual (asked of each registrant) questions.

Quick Registration events only allow for Booking questions since the registrants are unnamed and thus it is difficult to associate responses with a particular registrant.


You can add up to 10 of each type of question to a given event. By checking the ‘Required’ check box beside any of the questions will force registrants to answer this question before being able to complete their registration.

For both question types, you can create questions with answers of two different types:

Simple A simple answer type will prompt the registrant to enter text into a text input box, allowing them to control the answer they provide and convey greater detail.
Multiple Choice Multiple choice will allow the registrants to select their answer from a drop down list of answers the club have populated, providing the club with a greater level of control over the potential answers provided.

This option is ideal for simple Yes/No drop down selection.

Registrant Categories

In order to add Registration or Pricing, or both to an event you must assign Registrant Categories to the event. There are two types of Registrant Categories:

Age Applied Ideal for scenarios where you want to restrict attendance by age or want to apply prices by registrant age.

Each category has a maximum age – the minimum age of a category is determined by the maximum age of the category with the next highest maximum age. The exception is  the category with the lowest maximum age whose minimum is determined by the event minimum age.

Default applied to the registrant based on their current age in whole years (if as of today, a registrant has passed their 17th birthday, but has not reached their 18th, they are considered 17).

Provide you with a means of establishing an age range for the event and assign pricing accordingly.
Member Selected As opposed to auto assigning these to a user, members have the ability to select the category that applies to them.

Ideal for scenarios where there are multiple aspects to the event and the registrant can choose which aspects in which they want to participate and pay the associated price.

These Registrant Categories are configured in the Manage Registrant Categories screen within Club Central> Event Management. By default, every site that was migrated from the previous version of the Event Calendar/Management module will have Age Applied categories titled ‘Child’ (with a max age equal to your current Underaged Limit minus one(specified in Club Central> Event Management> Event Configuration)) and ‘Regular’ with a maximum age of 110.

Once you’ve selected the type of Registrant Categories (Age Applied vs. Member Selected) you’re going to use, you can add categories of those types from the ‘Add Categories’ drop down.

Keep in mind that the drop down is restricted to the categories you’ve created for each type. You can add up to six categories per event.

Once categories are added, you have the ability to specify which of the categories you’ve added will be the default.

If you’ve selected an event with Registration and Pricing or one with Pricing Only, additional options will appear both above the selected categories and within the selected categories.

Options and Notifications

Below the assigned Registrant Categories, there are two additional sections – Options and Notifications.

Within the Options section, you’ll find the following:


Allow View Others If enabled, members can see who else is attending an event by way of the View Others Attending link within the View Event screen (this screen is displayed whenever a user clicks on an event from the Event Calendar or the List of Events).
Allow Wait List This option will allow you to turn on the wait list feature for this event.

If a wait list has been enabled, registrants wanting to attend an event that has met or exceeded it's total attendance limit will be placed in a waiting list.

Clubs have the ability to allow these registrants to attend the event at their sole discretion, thereby increasing the event attendance limit.

For further information on the wait list feature, please click here.
Allow Guest This flag can be checked here or within the General Information tab.  If checked, a Guest field appears for each Registrant Category within which a Guest price can be established.
Cancellation Policy This will allow you to select the Cancellation Policy that applies to this event.

Which will determine the date beyond which cancellations will no longer be accepted and can have a window during which users are penalized for cancelling.

Cancellation Policies are configured within the Cancellation Policies section of Club Central> Administration> Event Management.
Club Broadcast Code If you’re interested in tracking conversions from an email campaign you’ve sent out, enter the clubbroadCast Conversion code from your clubbroadCast email marketing account.

This can be found within the Conversion Tracking section of clubbroadCast Home> Settings> Data Exchange.


Within the notifications section, you’ll find the following:

Notify Members When this flag is checked, members will receive email notifications upon being included in a new reservation or when an existing reservation is modified (Edited or Cancelled).
Notify Club When this flag is checked, you’ll be able to provide email addresses to which you would like email notifications send each and every time a registration is created, updated or cancelled. When entering more than one email address, separate them with a comma.

Earlybird Pricing

Enable this option by first checking the ‘Allow earlybird pricing’ flag. Once checked, a control will appear which allows you to specify a point beyond which Earlybird Pricing will no longer apply – this period is configured in days prior to the Registration End Date.

Enabling this option will provide you with additional fields for each of the Registrant Category prices (one for each Member and Guest price) so that a special price can be configured for registrants that sign up prior to the end date – typically an incentive to register early.

All that’s left to do is provide prices for the various categories.



Remember to click on Save at the top of the page before navigating away from this page, or all of your edits may be lost.

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