e3 Help > Calendar and Event Management > Cancellation Policies > Creating/Editing Cancellation Policies
Creating/Editing Cancellation Policies
To create a Cancellation Policy, begin by specifying its name. The name is a mandatory field and it must be unique.

Next, specify the Cancellation End Date. This is the date beyond which registrations cannot be cancelled. It is specified in days prior to the event start date, at a specific time.

Finally, if you want to enforce a penalty for cancellations after a certain point, enable and configure a Cancellation Window.

Specify the number of days and time at which the window opens. From this point until the Cancellation End Date, all registrations cancelled will be charged a fee.

As such, the Cancellation Window must always precede the Cancellation End Date – you cannot save if it does not. The fee can be set as a percentage of the event price (based on Registrant Category) or as a flat fee.

Click the ‘Save’ button to save the Cancellation Policy.

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